PR, Social Media, and Everything in Between

Archive for the ‘SPC 4350’ Category

Looking for the leading method to lose b

Looking for the leading method to lose belly fat? Get this miracle diet

Want a fast trick to lose some pounds? G

Want a fast trick to lose some pounds? Get this miracle diet

Fat Kids Ask Why

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s Strong4Life campaign features obese children uncomfortable with their weight.  The ads feature obses children with headlines such as “WARNING: It’s hard to be  a little girl when you’re not.”

At first glance, these ads are shocking, and I wonder if they can actually work. What would the ads do to a child’s self esteem? According to an NPR article, critics warns that children who felt uncomfortable with their weight are less likely to engage in social activities with their peers, like playing outside.

But the point of these ads aren’t to scare kids, but rather their parents. In the TV spot, a child asks “Mom, why am I fat?”

The scare tactics reinforce a sense of alarm among viewers, which I think could be effective. The state of Georgia did their research and found that 75% of parents deny that their kids have a problem. Do you respond to scare tactics in ad campaigns?

The growing amount of criticism surrounding the ads could cause serious problems for the campaign. Most parents genuinely care about their children, and I hope they care enough to curb poor diet habits as well.

DIY Maps

Google has taken the next step forward with maps. Google Map Maker has come to the United States. People can now add locations, edit locations, create routes, and more.

Google Map Maker expands Google Maps from an infomative media with potential for users to share, to media that relies on collaborative use. Imagine if Google Map Makers partnered with a LBS like Foursquare. Users could create trails to follow, and remove fake locations. I think there’s a great potential to introduce its own LBS system as well.

One of the features Google Map Makers advertises in the short Youtube video is the ability to map out a campus. I added the Chatlos Communication Building to the Florida Southern College campus. Check back in a few days to see if you can find it!

I imagine that with the summer quickly approaching, more of my peers will add locations to our campus. To date, there’s one specific location mapped on the campus. Do you plan on adding any locations?

Users In Disguise: Fake Twitter Accounts


Image Credit: "Ridiculous" By victoriafee

Fake Twitter accounts can be annoying, and sometimes they can be ingenious. The idea of a fake twitter account is acting like someone believable enough that everyone thinks you are that person.

Everyone wants to follow them to see what amusing tweets they post next, so they end up having real influence. @BronxZooCorba has an influence on Klout of 88 with over 50,000 unique tweets. @Darthvader has a Klout of 78.

These fake twitter accounts (see also parody twitter accounts) work because the voice is unique and authentic. Imagine if a school mascot, like Florida Southern‘s Mocise, talked about campus events in a voice unique to the mascot.

Take for instance @BronxZooCorba. The Bronx Zoo had a corba escape. The Twitter account is the corba’s encounters throughout the city. Even after the real corba was captured, the tweets continued.

The snake visits ball games and comments on tourists. This account has the potential to be a great asset to the NYC bureau of tourism or business.

I think there is real potential for a business with a mascot or spokesperson to create a fake twitter account to generate publicity and leads.

What’s your favorite fake twitter account?

UPDATE: PR Daily posted an article that gives the 3 social media lessons from @bBronxZooCorba. You can read the article here.

Guest Blogger: Joe Citro – “Google:1 Facebook:0”

This post features guest blogger Joe Citro. Joe is a senior at Florida Southern College majoring in Advertising. You can read the original post on his blog. Joe talks about google’s newest foray into social media with the +1 button.

Google : 1

Facebook : 0

Today everyone asks did you “like” my status or “like” my pictures? The real question is will “like” still even be used?  Today Google announced its rival version of the like button, the +1. This Google button will allow anyone to basically “like” something when searching for it.

The results from searching for something on Google are in the thousands, but with this +1 system you will be able to see how many people found a certain site helpful.  These tips will not only make your life easier but will give you the motivation to +1 a site that not many people have visited.

The goal is to +1 every site on the web allowing users to make an easier decision when it comes to questions of uncertainty while surfing the internet based off other peoples recommendations and +1′s.  You not only share this information with your friends and family but with the world, telling everyone I approve of this website!

I’m sure there are some kinks, such as how to regulate who +1′s a site more than once or how do you + 1 something if you want you identity to be private. So is time running out for the  facebook “like” or is +1 going to sink? Time will ultimately decide for us but until then I think people will use both services.

How do I measure this stuff anyway?

After taking an entire semester to study the use of social media for Public Relations, I know a few trillion reasons why and how social media can be useful.


Image Credit: "February 15, 2011" By Beto Ruiz Alonso

One of the most interesting things to learn has been how you can measure the success of social media campaigns. Measurement is obviously important if you want to be paid because companies want to know the bottom line before they spend money.

Social Media Examiner offers some great tips on how to create a strategy to measure social media. Remember that analytics mean nothing if you’re not measuring the right thing.

Here’s a breakdown of some useful, free ways to measure your reach through websites, Facebook, and twitter.

Google Analytics – Arik Hanson wrote a great post on his blog to explain 5 uses to measure blog activity

Facebook Insights – tool on Facebook that provides great statistics for pages

Klout – measures individual twitter accounts

What are some other great tools that PR agents can use free?


This post was sparked by an article on PR Daily.

Guest Blogger: Whitney Gonzalez “Twitterville Review”

The following post was written by guest blogger Whitney Gonzalez. You can view the original post on her blog. I choose to share this blog with you in light of the recent changes Twitter has undergone.

Twitterville Review

What could be better than a book all about Twitter? I picked up Shel Israel’sTwitterville as part of a social media book assignment and enjoyed reading it. I learned a lot about Twitter’s beginnings and the different ways in which it was adopted.Twitter can be more of a listening tool than people think. One can Twitter search their name or company’s name and obtain accurate results of what’s being said out there about them or their company. It can be just about as accurate asGoogle Alerts.

Although it may seem like you are tweeting to the entire twitterverse, by using @replies and DMs (direct messages) one can make Twitter as intimate as a telephone conversation.

One thing that stood out from Twitterville was the Google “sucks” test. If you type your name or company’s name in Google and type “sucks” after it and a lot of results return, you just may “suck.”

Overall, Twitterville was a great book and anyone that has an interest in social media can benefit from reading this book. By learning about Twitter from a slightly different angle, students can benefit upon searching for a career in social media because they will be familiar with everything Twitter.

StumbleUpon Cures Boredom

StumbleUpon (the cool discovery and recommendation site I browse when I’m bored) reached 1 billion stumbles per month in April 2011. I was really excited to see that so many people find the site as useful as I do.

I’ve written about StumbeUpon before. You can add the StumbleUpon toolbar to any browser to make stumbling easy too.

Here are a few things I stumbled upon this week.

1. Silk – a site that lets you drag your mouse to create interactive artwork


Image Credit: "Silk Screenshot" by Megan Getter


2. Quotations of Dr. Seuss – my favorite of those listed: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”


Image Credit: "Dr. Seuss Quotations Screenshot" By Megan Getter



3. S’mores Bars – I haven’t had a chance to try the recipe, but I want to soon.


Image Credit: "S'mores Bar Screenshot" By Megan Getter



Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife: Viral Videos are here!

Viral videos – those videos that you watch on YouTube at least five times, and share with your friends as soon as you find them… and so does everyone else.

From Rebecca Blacks sad attempt at music video to Auto Tune the New’s hit “Bed Intruder” viral videos are as varied as the people who watch them. One of the simplest videos to go viral is “David After the Dentist.”

To go viral, a video needs authenticity (keep it real) and humor (make us laugh).

Authenticity – keep it real! Don’t play it up by begging for it to go viral. You have to create quality content before anyone will share your video (hint: sharing is a huge part of going viral)

Humor – make us laugh. By us, I mean who ever your target audience is. Don’t try to appeal to everyone. You will fail that way. Viral videos can be used as a marking strategy if you figure out the formula for your audience.

You can’t really plan a viral video. You can try, but there’s never a guarantee of success. Smart Water took a chance with “Jennifer Aniston Sex Tape”


My favorite videos are actually music videos.

  1. Bed Intruder

I love this video because the song is so catchy! Who can resist the lines? I think the Gregory Brothers are very talented (proof seen below). Antoine Dodson (the main singer in the video) received a  lot publicity after this video. The song can be found on iTunes where it’s a hit too.

  1. Swagger Wagon

I think Sienna’s swagger wagon video is interesting because it was create over a year ago, and recently made it around the web again. People have been talking about it on the web these past two months with increasing frequency. Compared to the 70 million hits Bed Intruder has accumulated, this video is a lightweight. I like it because it’s atypical. I haven’t seen anything quite like it anywhere else on the web. Plus, I can easily imagine my parents stepping in a swagger wagon when I was six years old.