PR, Social Media, and Everything in Between

After taking an entire semester to study the use of social media for Public Relations, I know a few trillion reasons why and how social media can be useful.


Image Credit: "February 15, 2011" By Beto Ruiz Alonso

One of the most interesting things to learn has been how you can measure the success of social media campaigns. Measurement is obviously important if you want to be paid because companies want to know the bottom line before they spend money.

Social Media Examiner offers some great tips on how to create a strategy to measure social media. Remember that analytics mean nothing if you’re not measuring the right thing.

Here’s a breakdown of some useful, free ways to measure your reach through websites, Facebook, and twitter.

Google Analytics – Arik Hanson wrote a great post on his blog to explain 5 uses to measure blog activity

Facebook Insights – tool on Facebook that provides great statistics for pages

Klout – measures individual twitter accounts

What are some other great tools that PR agents can use free?


This post was sparked by an article on PR Daily.

Comments on: "How do I measure this stuff anyway?" (1)

  1. This is a great post Megan. Social medias are great, but if you are unable to measure the affects of their uses, what’s the point? You offered some great resources for businesses to use when needing to track the successes of their social media sites! Thanks again for the post!

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