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Posts tagged ‘advertising’

Looking Back at Early Television Advertising

I would like to introduce Juila Crune. I met Julie on a home visit with Ellen at VISTE. Juila is a wonderful woman with an immanculatnet home. She touched my heart in ways I can’t even begin to describe. Here is her story:

When radio was a hallmark of every living room and television was a novelty of moving pictures, Julia Crune entered the world. Graduating from college in the 1950s as an art major, Crune could not imagine working in television.

Born on July 23, 1932, Crune had an artist’s hand from the beginning. Eager to turn her talent into profitable profession, Crune earned a B.A. from Missouri Western State University.

Crune applied for a position at a department store to design in-store advertisements. She was passed up for the position because she lacked experience.

In a desperate attempt to get any kind of job after graduation, Crune applied for a opening at a television station in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Crune’s only experience in TV was a course she had taken her last semester as an elective. She was hired on the spot.

“I told them I just graduated,” Crune said, “ I just took a course in TV and writing commercials, and they hired me right there. Television was so new.”

Crune worked in Fort Wayne for over a year before moving out to Texas to work for a local station.

“I went to visit my former roommate in Texas. While I was down there I went to the tv station down there just to visit. They asked if I’d be interested in a position,” Crune said.

After a few years working for broadcast stations, Crune took a position at an advertising agency. The experience was lackluster for Crune.

“I worked briefly, 3 months, for an agency. They didn’t like me, and I didn’t like them. I missed writing my commercials, then going down to the studio and watching them being processed,” Crune said.

On a visit to see her parents in Ohio, Crune was offered a job at the local newspaper.

“The local paper came to see me and offered me a job. I decided I was tired of being in Texas, so I decided to stay there,” Crune said.

Crune found more than new job in Ohio. She fell in love with her mailman.

“Dean’s mother would always say, ‘If I had known what was going on, I would have had his route changed,’” Crune said.
Crune married Dean and took on a series of part time jobs to fill her time. Crune said she enjoyed her role as a full time mom.

Reflecting back on how advertising has evolved, Crune said that little has changed.

“It’s much more sophisticated. There’s so much more to do, but it’s basically the same – still selling product,” Crune said.

The best part of working in advertising for Crune was the people.

“I think the thing that I enjoyed was all the people I met. There were so many interesting people. I would interview people about their businesses and learn all about them,” Crune said.

Now 79 years old, Crune suffers from dementia and severe short-term memory loss. While she may not remember what she did the day before, her memories of working in advertising are still vivid.

“My memory is getting bad, and I’m trying to hang on to what I can,” Crune said.

“A lot of things I can’t remember, but I remember working.”

Selling At The Big Game

Super Bowl Sunday boasted a lot of great commercials, and some were pretty terrible. There will be those that are remembered, and those that will be chalked up to overzealous ad creatives. Here are the best and the worst of Super Bowl Sunday 2011.

The Best

The Force (Darth Vader)

I have a personal connection to Volkswagen, so this ad really warmed my heart. I think little kids are great, and the best part is that the ad is genderless. Growing up, I would have worn a Vader mask if I could have gotten my hands on one.

Imported From Detroit

Eminem is cool. Detroit is somehow made cool. This ad made me tear up a little. I felt proud to be American. Also… I got the song stuck in my head for an hour afterwards. On the flip side, I don’t plan on buying a Chrysler anytime soon. Still a fantastic ad overall!

The Worst

Bud Light

The Bud Light commercials in general were all lack luster. They just seemed to stop short of the mark. As a legal adult, I will occasionally indulge in a beer or two with friends. However, none of these ads made me want to run out and buy one.

In fact, I felt the opposite way. I’ve recently become fascinated with Miller Light’s Vortex bottle. I point it out to friends whenever I see it at the store:

“Look how cool that is!”

“What does it do?”

“I think the beer comes out better or something…But it’s so cool!”

Maybe Bud Light should try something new with their bottles!


Making light of the people of Tibet just to promote your internet consumer money saving company is never ok. I think they should have added something in the ad like “saving $30 meansyou can donate that money to charity.” They would have received less criticism.

I read an article by CNBC that interviewed the ad exec who produced the spot. Groupon had more than 50,00 new customers the day after the spot aired. So I guess Groupon got exactly what they aimed for. What does that say about the American Super Bowl viewing public?