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Posts tagged ‘Location-based service’

Location-Based Services: I’M HERE!

Where in the World is…?

In a world of increasing connectivity, location-based services are the next step in social networking. With sites like Foursquare, individuals can check-in to locations via their cell phone. You can see friends nearby, and sometimes swoop in on special deals.

Image Credit: "dodgeball vs. Google Latitude? (at least now we know why they're phasing out good 'ol dball)" By

I was discourage when I first learned about foursquare. As a college student, my mom graciously pays for my cell phone service. That doesn’t include a smart phone. Most lBS are only compatible with smart phones. When I went on the four square website, I found a video that explained foursquare (Howcast and wordpress don’t communicate well, so I was unable to post it.)

I’m going to start engaging with foursquare via text message! What do you think of IBS applications?

Business Perks

I recently attended the Social Fresh Tampa where @SchneiderMike gave a presentation on LBS. He’s co-author of “Location Based Marketing for Dummies” (buying this book for myself soon). He talked about the different way companies can engage consumers beyond check-ins.

1.      Content (i.e. Photos, tips, and recommendations)

2.      Activities (i.e. Challenges and games)

3.      Rewards (i.e. points, coupons, and free stuff!)

@SchneiderMike also highlighted the importance of making sure the rewards are cool and available to everyone. For example, Ben & Jerry’s has a special for everyone: 3 scoops for $3 (the mayor gets an extra scoop for free of course).

Sad Face of LBS

Eric Leist wrote all about the future LBS in the blog post “Beyond The Checkin: A Look At The Future of Location Based Services.” Leist points out that on drawback of LBS are the privacy issues. LBS check-ins might one day be linked to the swipe of a loyalty card. But do you really want everyone to know where you shopped and what you bought?

Another potential drawback dealing with privacy issues would be the ability for someone to track your movements. Stalking suddenly just became a whole lot easier. If you use LBS, are you concerned about privacy?