PR, Social Media, and Everything in Between

AOII Makes Her Day

This past Saturday my sorority sisters and I helped clean the home a  VISTE client. Nancy Lanterman has been confined to a walker and motorized chair for a number years and hasn’t been able to clean her home since her husband passed away. Piled under years of clothes, dust, and dirt, Ms. Lanterman didn’t even know where to start.

I met Ms. Lanterman on a visit to deliver her commodities, and she was embarrassed by the sight of her home. She told me she was too prideful to ask for help in the past, but when Ashley suggested coming out to cleanup she welcomed us with open arms.

With the help of more than 10 other women, we scrubbed, polished, and organized Ms. Lanterman’s home and improved the living conditions significantly. My sister Tricia pointed out to me afterwards that more than half of our sisters stayed longer than we had orginally agreed upon. They wanted to make sure everything was done before we left.

On Monday, I called Ms. Lanterman about the project to get a quote for a press release about the event. Ms. Lanterman said, “I’m so relieved. There’s a lot that has to be done yet, but I’m going to go through it. I’m so pleased and thankful for all the help.”

Everyone loved helping sweet Ms. Lanterman, and we enjoyed spending time with each other. A lot of times, we as Greeks lose touch with who we are helping because we don’t see them in person. This project gave us the chance to meet the person we were helping. We knew we were making an small but powerful impact on her life. I’m incredibly proud to be a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, and I love my internship at VISTE.

Comments on: "AOII Makes Her Day" (2)

  1. great job and lovely story! greek love from a former KD at FSC!

  2. Thank you for the support 🙂

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